
TrUE LoVe NeVer DiES, iT oNLy gEtS StroNger WiTh TimE

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Eggless Friut Cake :)

yea, vege cake. special recipe from me. special gal.
dont be suprise, tis cake is really really simple. n nice.
all u need is:
125 g butter
250 g brown sugar
180 g mixed fruit
300 ml water
1 1/2 cinnamon powder
1/2 tea spoon of mixed spices powder
300 g multi purpose flour
1 tea spoon of baking powder
1 tea spoon of soda bikabonat (macam nie kot eja, lantak lar- kalau korang rajin masuk dapur mmg tau apa nie k)
1/2 tea spoon of salt
vanilla essence

ok, all u need to do is:
mixed A in a sause pan and cook for 5 min until it boil
stir well and let it cool and chill
after tat, add B and stir slowly till it mixed well
tak payah pukul sampai kembang k.
kalau korang pandai, mesti korang tau yang tepung tu kena ayak dulu sekali dgn soda, serbuk penaik n garam.
n sebelum masuk bahan2 b yang dah siap ayak tu, masuk lar esen tu dulu k. kena gak bagitau benda2 mcm nie sebab ada org taktau nanti.yang dah biasa takpe.
mix well n pre heat oven at 180 degree celcius. n bake the cake for around 50 - 60 min.
n check lar tgk kek tu dah masak or belum. macam mana nak check???
hmmm, ayo. ambik pisau atau lidi atau apa2 yang tajam, cucuk tgk. kalau lidi yang kuar tu kering n bersih- takda lekat apa, maksudnya dah siap lar k.

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